
The Confraternita della Spada di Firenze APS (Associazione di Promozione Sociale) is a Salle d’Arme affiliated with FISAS.

CSF is an association devoted to the practice of Italian Historical Fencing according to the Sinclair fencing Method, developed by M. Andrea Lupo Sinclair, founder of FISAS.

Such practice is aimed at restoring those fencing systems that preceed the codification of olympic fencing, and considers swordplay a martial art (aimed at self-defence or duelling) rather than a sport. 

History of the CSF

The CSF was born in 2000 at the Budokan Martial Art Center when M.o Stefano Agostini and a small group of practitioners decided to study the Western approach to martial arts. Initially presided by M.o Agostini, the CSF later became autonomous from the Budokan Center and its following President, Iacopo Iacoponi, moved the training sessions to another location.  

International events

To these activities are added important annual events, such as the International Meeting FISAS, in which students, instructors and masters of armed or not armed martial arts, of international origin, gather to compare traditional methods or weapons and to stimulate research and practice of particular martial systems, often unknown to the general public.

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